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Bovogen Biologicals

Bovogen Biologicals Pty Ltd is a privately owned Australian company dedicated to the research, manufacture and supply of highly purified animal proteins, enzymes and animal serum products to the worldwide pharmaceutical, diagnostics and life science communities.

Bovogen Biologicals Products

Bovogen Biologicals manufactures and supplies highly purified animal proteins, enzymes and animal serum products which are used primarily by the pharmaceutical, diagnostics, veterinary, vaccine, biotechnology and research communities globally.

For more information on our products see:

Bovogen Biologicals’ purified bovine proteins are manufactured from high quality Australian or New Zealand serum or plasma collected only from healthy cattle that have passed both ante- and post-mortem inspection at USDA approved or Government regulated export slaughterhouses. These purified proteins have a wide variety of applications in life science disciplines such as cell culture, in-vitro diagnostics, human and veterinary pharmaceuticals, molecular biology, serology and general research.


Bovogen Biologicals is a leading manufacturer of a variety of Australian or New Zealand origin animal serum products which are supplied to the global life science communities.

In addition to the serum products manufactured ‘in-house' in Australia, Bovogen Biologicals has recognised the need for affordable high quality sources of Foetal Bovine Serum as an alternative to their premium Australian origin FBS. They have therefore augmented their FBS range by offering EU and USDA approved FBS manufactured outside of Australia.

Bovogen Biologicals also provides contract OEM serum processing and filtration services to meet specific customer requirements.


Bovogen Biologicals’ porcine derived enzyme products are manufactured exclusively from high quality Australian porcine pancreas glands.

Bovogen Biologicals’ enzyme products, are distinguished by Australia’s enviable status of being free of all major epidemic diseases of livestock, including Foot and Mouth Disease as verified by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).

Verification of raw material origin is supported with full documentation as is requisite of the robust quality assurance system under which Bovogen Biologicals operates.

Further differentiating the quality of Bovogen Biologicals’ trypsin, there are no bovine derived products used in any aspect of the manufacturing process. This practice serves to minimise the risk of TSE transmission.

The company’s porcine derived enzyme products are available ex-stock with variant types manufactured to customer specifications on request.


Fibrinogen and thrombin are two proteins which are involved in blood clotting chemistry in-vivo. Bovine fibrinogen and thrombin are currently used in culture media, diagnostic assays, serology and medical haemostasis products.


Sheep placenta is a rich source of nutrients, growth factors and bioactive cytokines. Scientific studies have found that placenta contains a high level of special proteins (placenta proteins) which promote cell growth, regulate hormone secretion and strengthen the immune system.

Bovogen Biologicals’ sheep placenta powder is manufactured from the placenta of healthy Australian sheep which have been inspected ante- and post-mortem and deemed fit for human consumption by Government veterinarians.

Raw placenta is processed in a proprietary process involving salt extraction, heat and filtration. No solvents are used in the manufacture of the company’s ovine placenta products.

Australia is one of very few countries which has been declared free of scrapie which is the transmissible spongiform encephalopathy afflicting sheep. Hence, ovine products of Australian origin are highly sought after by nutraceutical and cosmetics companies globally.


Bovogen Biologicals' supplies bulk, spray dried Adult Bovine Plasma and Adult Bovine Haemoglobin collected from healthy Australian cattle that have passed both ante- and post-mortem inspection at export abattoirs or USDA/EU approved establishments.

Blood collection is achieved using Swedish 'hollow knife' technology in a closed system to ensure the strictest level of hygiene is observed. The product is stored in stainless steel tanks at approximately 4°C until ante-mortem inspection clears the material for further processing.

The blood from a given storage tank is directed to a centrifuge for the separation of plasma from red blood cells.
The centrifuge fractionates the plasma and directs this stream to a stainless steel storage tank where it is held at approximately 4°C whilst the red blood cell concentrate is transferred to a separate stainless steel tank and stored at the same temperature.

The separate process streams are then directed to separate large scale spray drying units on-site which convert the solutions to a powdered form. Dried product is then packed in 500 – 1000kg bulk bags.

Bovogen Biologicals’ spray dried Adult Bovine Plasma and Adult Bovine Haemoglobin are used in a variety of applications within the veterinary, biological, nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industries.